Source code for sprockets.mixins.mediatype.type_info

from __future__ import annotations

import typing
import uuid

    from typing import Protocol, runtime_checkable
except ImportError:
    # "ignore" is required to avoid an incompatible import
    # error due to different bindings of _SpecialForm
    from typing_extensions import Protocol, runtime_checkable  # type: ignore

[docs]@runtime_checkable class DefinesIsoFormat(Protocol): """An object that has an isoformat method."""
[docs] def isoformat(self) -> str: """Return the date/time in ISO-8601 format.""" ...
[docs]class HasSettings(Protocol): """Something that quacks like a tornado.web.Application.""" settings: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] """Application settings."""
SerializablePrimitives = (type(None), bool, bytearray, bytes, float, int, memoryview, str, uuid.UUID) """Use this with isinstance to identify simple values.""" Serializable = typing.Union[DefinesIsoFormat, None, bool, bytearray, bytes, float, int, memoryview, str, typing.Mapping, typing.Sequence, typing.Set, uuid.UUID] """Types that can be serialized by this library. This is the set of types that :meth:`sprockets.mixins.mediatype.content.ContentMixin.send_response` is capable for serializing. """ Deserialized = typing.Union[None, bytes, typing.Mapping, float, int, list, str] """Possible result of deserializing a body. This is the set of types that :meth:`sprockets.mixins.mediatype.content.ContentMixin.get_request_body` might return. """ PackBFunction = typing.Callable[[Serializable], bytes] """Signature of a binary content handler's serialization hook.""" UnpackBFunction = typing.Callable[[bytes], Deserialized] """Signature of a binary content handler's deserialization hook.""" DumpSFunction = typing.Callable[[Serializable], str] """Signature of a text content handler's serialization hook.""" LoadSFunction = typing.Callable[[str], Deserialized] """Signature of a text content handler's deserialization hook.""" MsgPackable = typing.Union[None, bool, bytes, typing.Dict[typing.Any, typing.Any], float, int, typing.List[typing.Any], str] """Set of types that the underlying msgpack library can serialize."""
[docs]class Transcoder(Protocol): """Object that transforms objects to bytes and back again. Transcoder instances are identified by their `content_type` instance attribute and registered by calling :func:`~sprockets.mixins.mediatype.content.add_transcoder`. They are used to implement request deserialization (:meth:`~sprockets.mixins.mediatype.content.ContentMixin.get_request_body`) and response body serialization (:meth:`~sprockets.mixins.mediatype.content.ContentMixin.send_response`) """ content_type: str """Canonical content type that this transcoder implements."""
[docs] def to_bytes( self, inst_data: Serializable, encoding: typing.Optional[str] = None) -> typing.Tuple[str, bytes]: """Serialize `inst_data` into a byte stream and content type spec. :param inst_data: the data to serialize :param encoding: optional encoding to use when serializing The content type is returned since it may contain the encoding or character set as a parameter. The `encoding` parameter may not be used by all transcoders. :returns: tuple of the content type and the resulting bytes """ ...
[docs] def from_bytes(self, data_bytes: bytes, encoding: typing.Optional[str] = None) -> Deserialized: """Deserialize `bytes` into a Python object instance. :param data_bytes: byte string to deserialize :param encoding: optional encoding to use when deserializing The `encoding` parameter may not be used by all transcoders. :returns: the decoded Python object """ ...