Source code for sprockets.mixins.mediatype.transcoders

Bundled media type transcoders.

- :class:`.JSONTranscoder` implements JSON encoding/decoding
- :class:`.MsgPackTranscoder` implements msgpack encoding/decoding

import base64
import json
import uuid

import collections

    import umsgpack
except ImportError:
    umsgpack = None

from sprockets.mixins.mediatype import handlers

[docs]class JSONTranscoder(handlers.TextContentHandler): """ JSON transcoder instance. :param str content_type: the content type that this encoder instance implements. If omitted, ``application/json`` is used. This is passed directly to the ``TextContentHandler`` initializer. :param str default_encoding: the encoding to use if none is specified. If omitted, this defaults to ``utf-8``. This is passed directly to the ``TextContentHandler`` initializer. This JSON encoder uses :func:`json.loads` and :func:`json.dumps` to implement JSON encoding/decoding. The :meth:`dump_object` method is configured to handle types that the standard JSON module does not support. .. attribute:: dump_options Keyword parameters that are passed to :func:`json.dumps` when :meth:`.dumps` is called. By default, the :meth:`dump_object` method is enabled as the default object hook. .. attribute:: load_options Keyword parameters that are passed to :func:`json.loads` when :meth:`.loads` is called. """ def __init__(self, content_type='application/json', default_encoding='utf-8'): super().__init__(content_type, self.dumps, self.loads, default_encoding) self.dump_options = { 'default': self.dump_object, 'separators': (',', ':'), } self.load_options = {}
[docs] def dumps(self, obj): """ Dump a :class:`object` instance into a JSON :class:`str` :param object obj: the object to dump :return: the JSON representation of :class:`object` """ return json.dumps(obj, **self.dump_options)
[docs] def loads(self, str_repr): """ Transform :class:`str` into an :class:`object` instance. :param str str_repr: the UNICODE representation of an object :return: the decoded :class:`object` representation """ return json.loads(str_repr, **self.load_options)
[docs] def dump_object(self, obj): """ Called to encode unrecognized object. :param object obj: the object to encode :return: the encoded object :raises TypeError: when `obj` cannot be encoded This method is passed as the ``default`` keyword parameter to :func:`json.dumps`. It provides default representations for a number of Python language/standard library types. +----------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Python Type | String Format | +----------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | :class:`bytes`, | Base64 encoded string. | | :class:`bytearray`, | | | :class:`memoryview` | | +----------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | :class:`datetime.datetime` | ISO8601 formatted timestamp in the | | | extended format including separators, | | | milliseconds, and the timezone | | | designator. | +----------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | :class:`uuid.UUID` | Same as ``str(value)`` | +----------------------------+---------------------------------------+ """ if isinstance(obj, uuid.UUID): return str(obj) if hasattr(obj, 'isoformat'): return obj.isoformat() if isinstance(obj, (bytes, bytearray, memoryview)): return base64.b64encode(obj).decode('ASCII') raise TypeError('{!r} is not JSON serializable'.format(obj))
[docs]class MsgPackTranscoder(handlers.BinaryContentHandler): """ Msgpack Transcoder instance. :param str content_type: the content type that this encoder instance implements. If omitted, ``application/msgpack`` is used. This is passed directly to the ``BinaryContentHandler`` initializer. This transcoder uses the `umsgpack`_ library to encode and decode objects according to the `msgpack format`_. .. _umsgpack: .. _msgpack format: """ PACKABLE_TYPES = (bool, int, float) def __init__(self, content_type='application/msgpack'): if umsgpack is None: raise RuntimeError('Cannot import MsgPackTranscoder, ' 'umsgpack is not available') super().__init__(content_type, self.packb, self.unpackb)
[docs] def packb(self, data): """Pack `data` into a :class:`bytes` instance.""" return umsgpack.packb(self.normalize_datum(data))
[docs] def unpackb(self, data): """Unpack a :class:`object` from a :class:`bytes` instance.""" return umsgpack.unpackb(data)
[docs] def normalize_datum(self, datum): """ Convert `datum` into something that umsgpack likes. :param datum: something that we want to process with umsgpack :return: a packable version of `datum` :raises TypeError: if `datum` cannot be packed This message is called by :meth:`.packb` to recursively normalize an input value before passing it to :func:`umsgpack.packb`. Values are normalized according to the following table. +-----------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | **Value** | **MsgPack Family** | +-----------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | :data:`None` | `nil byte`_ (0xC0) | +-----------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | :data:`True` | `true byte`_ (0xC3) | +-----------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | :data:`False` | `false byte`_ (0xC2) | +-----------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | :class:`int` | `integer family`_ | +-----------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | :class:`float` | `float family`_ | +-----------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | String | `str family`_ | +-----------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | :class:`bytes` | `bin family`_ | +-----------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | :class:`bytearray` | `bin family`_ | +-----------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | :class:`memoryview` | `bin family`_ | +-----------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | :class:`` | `array family`_ | +-----------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | :class:`` | `array family`_ | +-----------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | :class:`` | `map family`_ | +-----------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | :class:`uuid.UUID` | Converted to String | +-----------------------------------+-------------------------------+ .. _nil byte: 0b8f5ac67cdd130f4d4d4fe6afb839b989fdb86a/ .. _true byte: 0b8f5ac67cdd130f4d4d4fe6afb839b989fdb86a/ .. _false byte: 0b8f5ac67cdd130f4d4d4fe6afb839b989fdb86a/ .. _integer family: 0b8f5ac67cdd130f4d4d4fe6afb839b989fdb86a/ .. _float family: 0b8f5ac67cdd130f4d4d4fe6afb839b989fdb86a/ .. _str family: 0b8f5ac67cdd130f4d4d4fe6afb839b989fdb86a/ .. _array family: 0b8f5ac67cdd130f4d4d4fe6afb839b989fdb86a/ .. _map family: 0b8f5ac67cdd130f4d4d4fe6afb839b989fdb86a/ #mapping-format-family .. _bin family: 0b8f5ac67cdd130f4d4d4fe6afb839b989fdb86a/ """ if datum is None: return datum if isinstance(datum, self.PACKABLE_TYPES): return datum if isinstance(datum, uuid.UUID): datum = str(datum) if isinstance(datum, bytearray): datum = bytes(datum) if isinstance(datum, memoryview): datum = datum.tobytes() if hasattr(datum, 'isoformat'): datum = datum.isoformat() if isinstance(datum, (bytes, str)): return datum if isinstance(datum, (, return [self.normalize_datum(item) for item in datum] if isinstance(datum, out = {} for k, v in datum.items(): out[k] = self.normalize_datum(v) return out raise TypeError( '{} is not msgpackable'.format(datum.__class__.__name__))